Tuesday, February 3, 2009


What comes in your mind when you hear the word FARM or FARMER????? For me when I hear the word FARM the first thing that comes in my mind is a PLACE where the plants are being planted and a FARMER is the one who takes good CARE of it............
Being a FARMER is not an easy work. We need to be PROUD of them because they are the one who gives us FOOD to eat...... Without them we have nothing to eat...... They are the one who PLANTS rice, vegetables and many more for us to SURVIVE........ W e have to consider thEm as a "HERO" because we all know that bEing a fArMer is a difFicult or HaRd woRk..... You need to be a hard-worker...... They spent most of their timE taking good cAre of their plAnts, not only for their own benefits but also for Us........ In order for their plants to grow bEttEr, they plant it in a better kind of sOil...... They also uses different kinds of fErtilizErS so that the pests can't harm or destroy their plaNts.
Our coUntRy nEeds mOre faRmErs so tHat wE havE abundAnt source of fOod. WherEver wE go wE cAn see farmers especiAlly in thE UrbAn areas. But not all fArmErs get their expEctatiOns regarding to their cRops even though they Aim or wiSh for a better haRvEst, because sometimes they can't expect of some DituRbanCes like pEsticiDes and wEathEr prOblemS..... We all know that as a farmer there are a lots of uPs and doWnS. But they still continuing their work deSpite of all the struGglEs, because it is really needed for all of us to survive in this worlD. Aside from that, thEy have no choiCe, because some of the Filipinos are only depEndinG on their faRms. As we say, this is their line of businEss, so they tried and tried although sometimes they failed, they're trying their bEst to survivE.
We can't avOid of some Filipinos for their expectations when we say farmers. We all know the fact that when we say farmers many thought them or seen them espEciAlly those in a hiGhEr stAtus of life as a noBody or farMerS are those people who belong in a loWer lEvel..... But the fact they really dont know and we must all know that the farmers as I've told before are our "HEROES". We must be PROUD of them...